professor Ljubica Vasic, Phd
professor Jelena Lopicic Jancic, PhD
Abstract: This paper deals with the diplomatic activities of the Serbian diplomat Branislav Nusic (born Alkibijad Nuša) (1864–1938), who is prominent in the wider world public as a writer-comedian. Branislav Nusic was a law graduate who began his diplomatic career in 1889 in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a scribe in Bitola, then in Serres, Thessaloniki, Skopje. He ended his diplomatic career as a Vice-Consul in the Consulate of the Kingdom of Serbia in Pristina. Nusic was known as very zealous, conscientious and respected in diplomatic and consular affairs. Although the jobs in diplomatic and consular missions abroad were extensive and numerous, Nusic managed to continue his literary work. Branislav Nusic is one of the most important Serbian writers whose works are deeply imbued with the analysis of Serbian society at the beginning of the 20th century. Nusic distinguished himself as a master of satirical expression, using sharp humor to reveal the hypocrisy and absurdities of society. His work is a critical review of the political, social and cultural anomalies of that time. Branislav Nusic was also extremely engaged in the analysis of social phenomena. He could be considered as the most prolific writer, given that he published around thirty volumes of his works. Nusic was multi-talented. He was a travel writer, storyteller, humorist, playwright, journalist and chronicler
Key words: Branislav Nusic, literature, diploma cy, Consul, political activities
This scientific paper was originally published in – Књижевно дело Бранислава Нушића (Зборник радова са научног округлог стола с међународним учешћем Књижевно дело Бранислава Нушића одржаног у организацији Градске управе за друштвене делатности – Сектора за културу и информисање града Ниша и ДМВ ликовне галерије и музеја из Ниша (Ниш, 5. септембар 2024)), А. Живковић и Ј. Милић (ур.), Крагујевац: Филолошко-уметнички факултет, Ниш: ДМВ ликовна галерија и музеј, 2024, стр. 253–260. [UDK 341.462.1:929 Nusic B. / 821.163.41.09 Nusic B., ISBN 978-86-80596-81-5] (М45)
- Introductory Considerations
From the international legal recognition of Serbia at the Berlin Congress in 1878 until the outbreak of the First World War, Serbia experienced a transitional period in its international, diplomatic, and social relations. During this time, Serbia’s foreign policy and diplomatic activities with the Ottoman Empire included the conclusion of the Consular Convention with Turkey in 1896. This was aimed at protecting the Serbian population in Kosovo and Metohija, as well as parts of Macedonia, from the widespread crimes and violence perpetrated by Albanians, in which the Turkish authorities often participated or tolerated. (Vojvodić 2004: 9) The convention also sought to protect Serbian schools, churches, property rights, and Serbian merchants exporting livestock and agricultural products to Turkey.
The Consular Convention between Serbia and Turkey in 1886 (Lopičić, Jančić Lopičić 2013: 55-58) provided the legal basis for opening consulates and protecting its population. It stipulated the opening of consulates in the signatory states. In the European part of Turkey, Serbia established its Consulates: the General Consulate in Skopje from 1887 to 1913, the General Consulate in Thessaloniki from 1887 to 1918, the Consulate in Bitola from 1889 to 1913 (Vlatković 1999: 199-212), the Consulate in Pristina from 1889 to 1912, and the Consulate in Serres from 1897 to 1900 (Državni kalendar sa šematizmom Knjaževine, a kasnije Kralјevine Srbije od 1856. do 1914.godine).
The activities of Serbian Consulates in Skopje, Thessaloniki, Bitola, Pristina, and Serres primarily involved protecting the Serbian population, which lived in a state of complete vulnerability and was politically, economically, and religiously oppressed by daily and widespread crimes committed by Albanians and Turks. Serbia’s foreign policy and diplomatic activities focused on expanding existing cultural, educational, and informational efforts. This included sending school books and other books and brochures in Serbian, opening bookstores, sending teachers, supporting Serbian schools, and assisting Serbian churches, monasteries, and clergy. Among the educational materials were Serbian geography, Serbian history, and a small songbook with national epic poems. (Djilas 1969: 220)
Consuls working in the Consulates of the Principality, and later the Kingdom of Serbia, as well as in the Consular department of Serbia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, were experienced diplomats with high levels of education, most having studied at foreign universities. Their professional training and expertise were crucial in Serbia’s long and challenging struggle for independence and in protecting the interests of the Serbian people abroad. Many of these consuls were prominent intellectuals who later continued their diplomatic careers as representatives of the Kingdom of Serbia and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Their works in foreign policy, international relations, and international and consular law represent significant contributions, and as practitioners in diplomatic and consular duties, they demonstrated exceptional skill and expertise. Branislav Nusic is certainly one of them.
- Branislav Nusic as a diplomat
Born in Belgrade in 1864 as Alkibijad Nuša to his father Djordje of Aromanian descent and his mother Ljubica, he later changed his name to Branislav Nusic during his schooling. After completing his high school education in Belgrade, he chose to study law, part of it in Graz and the rest in Belgrade, where he graduated. In 1887, Nusic was sentenced to two years of hard labor for his poem “Pogreb dva raba” (“The Funeral of Two Slaves”), which was published in the “Novi beogradski dnevnik” and had drawn significant public attention. It deeply offended and enraged King Milan Obrenovic, who ordered Nusic’s arrest and conviction. Although initially sentenced to two years of hard labor by royal decree, the sentence was reduced to three and a half months after Nusic’s father personally appealed to King Milan Obrenovic for a reconsideration. This prison term would have a significant impact on his future literary work. After serving his sentence, at the end of 1888, Nusic went to an audience with King Milan Obrenovic, who advised him to contact the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cedomilj Mijatovic, regarding a position, given that Nusic was a law graduate and spoke several languages. Soon after, Minister Mijatovic hired Nusic as a temporary employee in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to assess his capabilities, skills, and compliance. However, Nusic received a permanent position and the diplomatic rank of clerk in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs only after the abdication of King Milan Obrenovic.
In 1889, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia established the Educational and Political Department, aimed at implementing the aforementioned cultural, educational, and informational activities in Kosovo and Metohija and Macedonia (Vojvodić 2003:35-138). Nusic worked in this department, focusing primarily on maintaining the national consciousness of Serbian emigrant in the Ottoman Empire, as well as on the culture and education of Serbs in Turkey. He is also considered a pioneer of the security and intelligence department in our diplomacy. (Peruničić 1985, 15: 118-127)
Nusic’s first assignment abroad was in 1890 in Pristina, where he replaced the absent Vice-Consul Luka Marinkovic for about two months. The situation there was challenging due to the overall difficult political climate, particularly for the Serbian civilian population, who faced harshness from Turkish authorities and violence from Albanian residents (Prepiska o arbanaskim nasilјima u Staroj Srbiji 1898-1899). In his interactions with the mutesarif and his associates, Nusic demonstrated exceptional skill, combining courtesy with determination, and did not hesitate to express strong protests and intervene on behalf of the Serbian population. He also bravely engaged in written discussions with the mutesarif about Serbia’s rights and authority to protect the rights and interests of Serbs within the Ottoman Empire. During his two-month service, Nusic assisted in opening a Serbian bookstore in Pristina on March 1, 1890. With Nusic’s help, Serbian teacher Stevan Markovic, who had received permission from the Turkish authorities to open the bookstore, was actively involved. The Turkish authorities conducted strict scrutiny and censorship of all books and printed materials arriving from Belgrade and Novi Sad. (Mikić 1972: 125-127) Nusic’s brief service in Pristina ended after two months when Vice-Consul Marinkovic returned to his post as consul.
Later, with decree from June 4, 1891, Nusic was appointed as a secretary at the Serbian consulate in Bitola. (Terzić 2008: 300-317) Nusic performed a variety of consular duties. During his diplomatic tenure, he demonstrated exceptional skill in addressing diplomatic challenges and promoting Serbian interests in Macedonia. He spent two years in Bitola. In May 1893, he was appointed Vice-Consul in Pristina (Jovanović 1938: 259). The threats from Albanians against Vice-Consul Branislav Nusic, his family, and consulate staff were daily occurrences. As early as 1894, Nusic suggested to the Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs that the Consulate in Pristina be closed. He renewed this proposal on September 20, 1896, to Stojan Novakovic, then the Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, providing reasons for his recommendation. He argued that Pristina was neither a commercial, political, nor military center, nor was it likely to become one in the near future. There was no justification for the few consular tasks. The most significant reason for closing the Consulate was that Pristina had no other foreign consulates and the security conditions were extremely poor and dangerous for consulate staff. He noted that in his three and a half years of service in Pristina, he had been sentenced to death seven times by Albanians, but he was not afraid. (Peruničić 1985: 243-248) Nusic’s proposals for closing the Pristina Consulate were justified but were not accepted, and the consulate remained open until 1912 when the Serbian army liberated Kosovo and Metohija from Turkish occupation. (Nikolić 1966: 243-260)
In early 1897, Nusic was transferred to the head of the Serbian Consulate in Thessaloniki, where he handled various consular duties. The nature of the work was less challenging compared to Pristina. He particularly focused on matters related to the Serbian gymnasium in Thessaloniki and the protection of Serbian monasteries on Mount Athos. As head of the Consulate, Nusic organized the repair of the Serbian church and the construction of an auxiliary building in the courtyard for the monks from Hilandar. In early 1898, Nusic was transferred from Thessaloniki to the newly established Serbian consulate in Serres. Unlike the quieter environment in Thessaloniki, he faced various issues in Serres that impeded his efforts to strengthen national consciousness and increase the Serbian population. In Serres, in addition to his consular duties, Nusic was also the initiator of establishing a Serbian school.
Nusic possessed many qualities that make a good diplomat: he was educated, calm in demeanor, charming, witty, and a pleasant conversationalist in any company. He was also proficient in foreign languages, including a good command of Turkish in addition to his excellent knowledge of German, French, and Greek. He was a good psychologist and understood the mentality of people in his consular area. (Mitić 2002: 273-280) Nusic was known for his humor and communication skills, which aided him in diplomatic negotiations and relations with local authorities. Additionally, he used his literary talent to enhance Serbia’s reputation abroad and to establish connections with other diplomatic representatives. Although his tenure was relatively short, Nusic left a significant mark as a diplomat, demonstrating that his problem-solving and analytical skills extended beyond literature. After his diplomatic career ended, Nusic returned to literary creation, but his experience as a diplomat remained an important part of his biography and his contributions to Serbian culture and public life.
- Nusic as a writer
In literature and society, satire reflected contradictions and paradoxes of its era. It sparked discussions about the direction of social progress. By mocking the establishment’s flaws, satirical literature encouraged a more discerning and engaged readership. As Serbia dealt with the aftermath of World War I, social and political tensions rose during the interwar period. Satire, with its capacity to provoke thought and challenge norms, became a crucial tool in the intellectual landscape. It not only entertained but also served as a catalyst for change. Thus, the significance of satire in early 20th-century Serbian literature lies in its ability to convey the complexities of a nation in transition. During a time of significant change, satire emerged as a powerful form of expression, offering a deeper understanding of the societal challenges and contradictions. Nusic used satirical approach in his literary works.
If we disregard the other qualities of Nusic’s earlier comedies – his talent for realistic observation, his satirical and sarcastic abilities, his knack for capturing and depicting humor – qualities that make his early works significant as portrayals of environment, circumstances, and characters, and focus only on the pure comedic effects, the difference between his earlier and current attempts at wit and humor is quite evident. Nusic has an undeniable talent for identifying and executing comic situations, a lively and vibrant spirit to vividly shape them, and a rare ability to tap into the “comic life” in people. He possesses a natural talent for comedy in its truest sense and, more than any of our writers, knows how to elicit genuine laughter. (Bogdanović 1965: 62-63)
The impact of Nusic’s works on society was both profoundly critical and liberating. His sharp irony in exposing government absurdities helped awaken public consciousness and encouraged civil resistance. Nusic was often seen as a prophet, as his satire frequently anticipated negative societal trends. Although his works were written in a specific historical context, they remain relevant today, underscoring the importance of the fight for justice and truth. Branislav Nusic left an indelible mark on Serbian literature and a legacy that continues to inspire critical thinking about social norms and political action. (Glišić 1966: 7-35) As one of the most important Serbian writers and diplomats, Nusic made significant contributions to both literature and international relations. His diplomatic career developed during a period of significant political change in Serbia. Beginning his diplomatic journey at the start of the 20th century, Nusic’s exceptional communication skills and diplomatic maneuvering soon distinguished him. Through his diplomatic efforts, Nusic contributed to strengthening Serbia’s international position and promoting its interests. (Ibid: 7-35)
Branislav Nusic is one of the prominent Serbian writers whose works are deeply imbued with an analysis of Serbian society at the beginning of the 20th century. Nusic distinguished himself as a master of satirical expression, using sharp humor to reveal the hypocrisy and absurdities of society. His work offers a critical examination of the political, social, and cultural anomalies of that era. Branislav Nusic was also highly engaged in analyzing social phenomena. His comedy Suspicious Person is deeply rooted in the criticism of political corruption and the moral deficiencies of society at the time. Nusic’s humor was his tool for uncovering lies and hypocrisy, often with the intent of provoking thought among his audience. Opinions about Branislav Nusic’s work varied, as evidenced by a note published in Belgrade on January 24, 1933, by Bogdan Popovic, Uros Predic, and Djordje Jovanovic, stating that Nusic stood out as our most popular writer, whose works are favored by a broad circle of readers, both older and younger generations, within and beyond the country’s borders, given that his works have been translated into foreign languages. He can also be considered the most prolific writer, having published around thirty volumes of his works. Nusic was multi-talented. He was a travel writer, storyteller, humorist, playwright, journalist, and chronicler. (Popović 2001: 488)
If we examine the motives behind Nusic’s satires, we find they all focus on specific states and situations of his time, indicating his acute awareness of Serbia’s political climate. His satirical works can be seen as a commentary on the political conflict between civil democracy and the radical party. Nusic criticizes the government, parliament, parliamentary voters, bureaucracy, corruption, press, and intelligentsia. (Gligorić 1964, 16-59) Nusic’s satire does not delve into the system of government, the monarchy, or the monarch himself, likely because civil democracy still respected the institution of monarchy. Nusic’s satirical views remain on the political surface from which he draws his motives. (Ibid, 20-35) The intersection between Serbian diplomacy and social critique through satire in the early 20th century provides a fascinating exploration of a nation in transition. As Serbia faced diplomatic challenges, satirists offered a nuanced perspective on social issues. This interplay between diplomatic ambitions and social introspection highlights the dynamic relationship between a nation’s external image and its internal realities during a critical historical period.
Branislav Nusic is a significant Serbian writer whose works deeply analyze early 20th-century Serbian society. Renowned as a master of satirical expression, he used sharp humor to reveal societal hypocrisy and absurdities, critically addressing the political, social, and cultural issues of his time. His engagement with social phenomena is evident in works like his comedy Suspicious Person which critiques political corruption and moral deficiencies. Nusic’s humor was a tool to expose lies and hypocrisy, often aiming to provoke thought in his audience.
Opinions on Nusic’s work varied, but a notable endorsement came from Bogdan Popovic, Uros Predic, and Djordje Jovanovic, who published a note in Belgrade on January 24, 1933, highlighting him as Serbia’s most popular writer. His works were beloved by both older and younger generations, both domestically and internationally, as they were translated into several languages. Nusic was incredibly prolific, publishing around thirty volumes of his works, and was multitalented, excelling as a travel writer, storyteller, humorist, playwright, journalist, and chronicler. (Popović 2001: 488) They noted that Nusic began writing right after finishing school and even spent a year in prison in Pozarevac due to a poem he wrote. Regardless of the genre – be it travelogues from Southern Serbia, stories, or dramas – Nusic’s observational spirit and wit made his writing engaging (Ibid: 488). However, his two standout traits were his humoristic talent and his gift for drama. The trio praised Nusic’s remarkable ability to find and present comic situations with wit and inventiveness, evident in his humorous stories and plays. His dramatic talent also placed him among the leading playwrights in Serbian literature, with his serious pieces further confirming his versatility and artistic breadth. (Ibid: 488-489)
- Conclusion
Branislav Nusic was a prominent Serbian writer, playwright, and diplomat. Nusic’s versatility is evident in his engagement with journalism, photography, and politics. It is worth noting that Nusic was a member of the Serbian Royal Academy and served as the president of the Yugoslav Dramatic Writers’ Association. Throughout his career, he was the manager of theaters in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Skopje, and Sarajevo. Despite serving in various cities and countries, he never forgot his roots and always emphasized his patriotism during his diplomatic career. Additionally, he should not be forgotten as a war volunteer during the Serbian-Bulgarian War.
Nusic’s satire played a pivotal role in promoting change and raising awareness about the need for social reform. His works had a profound and lasting impact on social criticism, setting the stage for future generations of Serbian satirists. He stands out as one of the few writers in Serbian literature who recognized that a writer’s role is not only to artistically depict life with a pen but also to uphold the moral imperative of societal order. Nusic used his literary work to show that the author enters a search of an identity and freedom. Also, the author could find out in the end that search like that could lead to isolation and lack of understanding. (Vasić 2021: 114) Nevertheless, in a brave manner, Nusic crafted his works from real life to authentically portray and revive them, using sharp and creative expression. (Gligorić 1964: 34-50)
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Abstrakt: Ovaj rad se bavi diplomatskim aktivnostima srpskog diplomate Branislava Nušića 1864–1938) (rođen kao Alkibijad Nuša) koji je u širem svetskom javnom mnjenju poznat kao pisac-komičar. Branislav Nušić je bio diplomirani pravnik koji je svoju diplomatsku karijeru započeo 1889. godine u Ministarstvu inostranih dela kao pisar u Bitolju, a zatim je službovao u Serezu, Solunu i Skoplju. Svoju diplomatsku karijeru završio je kao vicekonzul u Konzulatu Kraljevine Srbije u Prištini. Nušić je bio poznat kao vrlo revnostan, savestan i poštovan u diplomatskim i konzularnim krugovima. Iako su poslovi u diplomatskim i konzularnim misijama u inostranstvu bili obimni i brojni, Nušić je uspevao da se posveti svom književnom stvaralaštvu. Branislav Nušić je jedan od najvažnijih srpskih pisaca čija su dela duboko prožeta analizom srpskog društva s početka 20. veka. Nušić se istakao kao majstor satiričnog izraza, koristevši oštar humor kako bi otkrio licemerje i apsurde društva. Njegovo delo predstavlja kritički osvrt na političke, društvene i kulturne anomalije tog vremena. Branislav Nušić je takođe bio izuzetno angažovan u analizi društvenih fenomena. Može se smatrati jednim od najplodnijih pisaca, s obzirom na to da je objavio oko trideset tomova svojih dela. Nušić je bio svestran. Bio je putopisac, pripovedač, humorista, dramatičar, novinar i hroničar.
Ključne reči: Branislav Nušić, književnost, diplomatija, konzul, političke aktivnosti