About me

Objavio Glisic

Ljubica Vasic

PhD, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade

Master (M.A.) in Political Sciences, International Studies/International Relations, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade

Professor of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac   

Docent: Political Sciences and Philological Sciences

Associate Professor for English Studies (Anglistika)

Position: Authorized Mediator for Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution (May 2021 – present

Resolution in the Area of Individual and Collective Work Disputes

Trained in Skills for Presenting and Public Speaking

Institution: Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia

Academic positions:

Associate Professor for Anglistics 


Deputy Editor in Chief for Science – Magazine Diogen pro culture (March 2021- present

Position: Researcher at the Center for Asian Studies

Institution: Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, Republic of Serbia (August 2019 – August 2021)


Position: Docent for Political Sciences

Institution: Faculty of Geo-Economics, Megatrend University, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia (December 2017 – August 2019)

 Courses include:

·             Economic Diplomacy – Theory & Practice

·             Economy of European Union

·             Macro-economy of Europe

·             Geopolitics

·             Agrarian policy of European Union



Position: Professor

Institution: Faculty of International Politics and Security, Nikola Tesla University, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia (March 2017 – December 2017)


Government Positions:

Position: Special Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Europe and the USA

Institution: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia (December 2013 – May 2014)


Position: Assistant Foreign Minister for the European Union

Position: Deputy President of the Subgroup for Foreign, Security and Defense Policy of the Expert Group of the Coordinating Body for the Process of European Union Accession

Institution: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia (January 2013 – December 2013)


Position: Special Advisor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Europe and the USA

Institution: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia (July 2012 – January 2013)



Member of Parliament  (May 2012 – January 2013)

Head of the Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Serbia in Strasbourg

Member of the National Assembly Board for European Integration

Member of the National Assembly Board for Foreign Affairs


Position: Advisor/Expert for the International Cooperation

Institution: Cabinet of the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia (May 2009 – May 2012)

Scientific papers: 

  • Ljubica Vasic. “The Hermeneutical Approach to the Perception of Time in the Novel Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf”, the Collection of Papers from the Conference of Young Philologist, Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, 2009;
  • Ljubica Vasic. “Transformation of Mythical Codes in play Buried Child by Sam Shepard”, the Collection of Papers from the International Conference “Language, Literature and Cultural Policies – From evolution to involution,” University of Craiova, Romania, 2009. str. 267-270;
  • Ljubica Vasic. “Ideology and Myth in the Play Curse of the Starving Class  by Sam Shepard”, the Collection of Papers from the International Conference “Scientific and Spiritual Fundaments of Social Reforms”, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Banja Luka, 2009;
  • Ljubica Vasic. “The Concept of Identity in the  Play The True West by Sam Shepard,” in the Collection of papers from the Second International Scientific Conference for Young Philologists “Modern Study of Language and Literature, Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, 2010;
  • Ljubica Vasic. “Identity, Myth and Ideology in the Play by Sam Shepard Says West,” presented for the Collection of papers from the International Scientific Conference “Language, Literature, Change”, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nis, 2010;
  • Ljubica Vasic. “Construction of Identity and the Discourse of Ideology in the Novel Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf”, presented for the Collection of the papers from the International Scientific Conference “Philological Research Today: Language, Literature, Culture”, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, 2012;
  • Ljubica Vasic. “EU Enlargement and Serbia’s Foreign Policy Strategy”, World of Diplomacy Journal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 2014;
  • Ljubica Vasic. “Theatrical Response to the Vietnam War – Construction of Masculinity in the Post-Vietnam America”, result of a research on project 178018: Social Sciences and Contemporary Serbian Literature and Culture: National, Regional, European and Global Frame, under the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, 2017;
  • Ljubica Vasic and Jelena Lopicic Jancic. “Foreign Medical Missions in Serbia in the First World War”, Megatrend Review, Megatrend University Magazine, Belgrade, 2018;
  • Scientific paper “The Impact of the Relations between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Serbia’s European Union Accession”, Megatrend Review, Megatrend University, Belgrade, 2018;
  •  Ljubica Vasic. “The Process of Globalization and its Impact on the Modern Economy”, u:  Economic and Social Development 30th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency in cooperation with Megatrend University, republic of Serbia University North, Croatia Faculty of Management University of Warsaw, Poland Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences Sale – Mohammed V University in Rabat, 2018;
  •  In 2018, participation in the international conference at Singidunum University SITCON 2018 Culture, Heritage And Toursim Development with the article on topic “The Specificity of the Development of Cultural Toursim”;
  • Ljubica Vasic. “Srpsko kulturno nasledje i dijaspora kao elementi diplomatije” (Serbian Cultural Heritage and Diaspora as Elements of Diplomacy), International Scientific Conference Serbian Cultural and Historical Heritage at the Institute for International Politics and trade in Belgrade 2019;
  • Scientific paper “Genocide Against Jews in Serbia from 1941-1945” was accepted for the publication in the Proceedings of the XV International Scientific Conference organized by the Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, 2020, in cooperation with Jelena Lopicic Jancic;
  • Scientific paper “Identity Aspects of Cultural sovereignty in the Modernization of Far East” accepted for publication in magazine Nasledje, Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac. 2021.
  • Scientific paper “Pojam vremena kao instrument tumačenja identiteta (kao ideološkoh konstrukta) u dramama Dejvida Rejba. 2021. Jezik, Književnost, Budućnost. Zbornik radova sa Desete konferencije Fakulteta za strane jezike 24. i 25. septembar 2021. str. 89-100 
  • Ljubica Vasić i Jelena Lopičić Jančić. „Influence of Weapons Development Throughout History and the Protection of the Civilian Population Issues of Application of International Conventions“, Dometi i mogućnosti u lokalnoj demokratiji u Srbiji, ISSN 0354-5989, UDK 32. Број 3/2023. Srpska Politička Misao, Serbian Political Thought, Belgrade (M24)
  • Books (Scientific monographs) of national significance:
  • Book (Scientific Monograph) with the title Američki postvijetnamski muški identitet (American post-Vietnam male identity), 2018, Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, Crvena linija, acknowledged by Serbian Academy of Science and Arts;
  • Book (Scientific monograph) Americko politicko pozoriste, Crvena linija, Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, 2020;
  • Book with the working title New Global Order is being prepared for publication.

National and International Conferences and Public Presentations:

1. Ljubica Vasic. “Transformation of mythical codes in Buried Child a play by Sam Shepard”, Annals of the University of Craiova, Romania, Series: Philology, English, Year XI, No. 2, 2010, Department of British and American Studies.

2. Ljubica Vasić. Hermeneutic approach to understanding time in the novel Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf. 2009. Kragujevac. Contemporary Studies of Language and Literature, Proceedings of the 1st Scientific Meeting of Young Philologists, Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac.

3. Ljubica Vasic. Identity, Myth and Ideology in Sam Shepard Drama True West. 2010. Proceedings of the scientific conference . Language, Literature, Changes, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nis.

4. Ljubica Vasić, Ideology and Myth in Sam Shepard Drama The Curse of the Starving Class. 2011. Scientific and spiritual foundation of social reforms, Boundaries of aesthetic and ideological in literature and language; (Editor-in-Chief Mladenko Sadzak). – Banja Luka: Faculty of Philosophy: Faculty of Philology

5. Ljubica Vasic. The Construction of Identity and the Discourse of Ideology in Virginia Woolf Novel Mrs. Dalloway. 2012. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference Psychological Research Today: Language, Literature, Culture. Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade.

6. Ljubica Vasic. The Construction of Identity and the Discourse of Ideology in Virginia Woolf Novel Mrs. Daloway. 2013. Belgrade. PARADIGM, influences, reception / editors Zoran Paunović and Biljana Dojčinović: Faculty of Philology, 2013 (Belgrade: Belpak), 523 p. (Edition Philological Research Today; Volume 4).

7. Ljubica Vasic. Cultural heritage of Serbia as an Element of Diplomacy. 2017. Belgrade. XIII Scientific Conference Cultural and Historical Heritage of Serbia in the World. International politics; Institute of International Politics and Economics.

8. Ljubica Vasic. “The Process of Globalization and Its Impact on the Modern Economy”. 2018. Economic and Social Development. 30th International Scientific Conference. Economic and Social Development, Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency in cooperation with Megatrend University, Serbia University North, Croatia Faculty of Management University of Warsaw, Poland Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences Sale – Mohammed V University in Rabat.

9. Ljubica Vasić. Pero Petrović, “The Specificity of the Development of Cultural Tourism”. 2018. International Conference at the Singidunum University. SITCON 2018. Culture, Heritage And Toursim Development.

10. Ljubica Vasić. Jelena Lopičić Jančić. Genocide Against Jews in Serbia in 1941-

1945. 2020. Kragujevac. 30-31. October. XV International Scientific Conference Serbian Language, Literature, Art.

11. Ljubica Vasic. The Concept of Time as an Instrument of Interpreting Identity as an Ideological Construct in David Rabe plays”. 24-25. September 2021. Belgrade. Faculty of Foreign Languages.

12. Ljubica Vasic. “The Role of Ideology in the Construction of Masculinity and in the Search of One’s Identity in the Literary Discourse after the Vietnam War as presented in the“ Vietnam Plays ”: The Basic Training of Pavlo Hummel and Sticks and Bones written by the American playwright David Rabe and in the novel Fortress written by Mesa Selimovic ”. 1-2. October 2021. I International Conference of the Department of Serbian Literature with South Slavic Literatures and the Department of English Literary and Cultural Interference between Literature in Serbian and English. Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade.

13. Ljubica Vasic. Jelena Lopicic Jancic. “Influence of Serbian Writers as Liders in our Diplomatic Relations from 1878-1945”. October 26, 2023. Participation at the Round

Table At the Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac

Published resumes:

1. Ljubica Vasic, “The Specificity of the Development of Cultural Tourism. Culture. Heritage and Touism Development. Conference Proceedings. Univerzitet Singidunum. Beograd. 2018. M64 (0.2)
2. Ljubica Vasic, Jelena Lopicic Jancic. „Influence of Serbian Writers as Leaders in our Diplomatic Relations from 1878-1945“. XVIII International Scientific Conference Serbian language, Literature, Art. 150 years After: Radoje Domanovic (Book of Resumes A). Kragujevac 2023. pg. 30 M64 (0.2)

National and international lectures:

1. Ljubica Vasic. Challenges of Serbia on its Path Towards the EU. (Lecture). Center for Transatlantic Relations. SAIS. Johns Hopkins University in Washington. November 2012. Washington DC. USA
2. Ljubica Vasic. Challenges of Serbia on its Path to the EU, Warsaw. Republic of Poland March 2013. (Lecture). Faculty of Political Science. University of Warsaw.
3. Ljubica Vasic. May 2013, Serbia on its Path to the EU. (Lecture). Woodrow Wilson Institute. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia and the Woodrow Wilson Institute. Washington.
4. Ljubica Vasic. EU Enlargement and the Western Balkans – 10 Years After Thessaloniki. International conference in Dublin. May 2013.
5. Ljubica Vasic. EU Integration: Challenges and Prospects for the Western Balkans. (Lecture). Institute for International Politics and Economics in Belgrade on. Institute for International Politics and Economics and the Hans Zeidel Foundation. Ministry of Education. Science and Technological Development and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia. June 2013.
6. Ljubica Vasic. Foreign and European Policy of the Republic of Serbia. Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia. Lecture for students of Northeastern University in Boston. USA, students of the Military Academy of Nigeria and representatives of the Organization of Serbian Diaspora Students. Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia.
7. Ljubica Vasic. EU Enlargement and Serbia Foreign Policy Challenges. The paper was published in the journal World of Diplomacy. 37/2014. Journal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan. November 2014. International
conference in Baku. the Republic of Azerbaijan in cooperation with the International NATO School in Baku and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
8. Ljubica Vasic. Diplomatic practice and defense diplomacy. (Lecture) Faculty of Business Studies, Law and Security, Union University – Nikola Tesla in Belgrade. November 2017.

9. Ljubica Vasic. Challenges of Serbia on its Path to the EU. Faculty of Political Science. University of Warsaw. March 2013.
10. Ljubica Vasic. “The Impact of Relations between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Serbia’s EU Accession”. (Lecture). Faculty of Geo-economics, Megatrend University. February 2018.
11. Ljubica Vasic. November 2019, Monograph American Post-Vietnamese Male Identity was presented at the Kolarac Endowment. Speakers / representatives of the monograph: prof. Zoran Paunovic, PhD, Faculty of Philology in Belgrade (member of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts), prof. Sabahudin Hadzialic, PhD, Dr Honoris Causa, prof. Ivo Viskovic, PhD Faculty of Political Science, former Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia in Berlin, prof. Dr. Dragan Boskovic, Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac.



Scientific researcher on the project 178018: Social Sciences and Contemporary Serbian literature and culture: national, regional, European and global frame, under the Ministry of education, science and technological development of the Republic of Serbia;

 Expert on project “Multiculturalism as a necessary element for the cultural component of the project One Belt, One Road”.





PhD, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade

Master (M.A.) in Political Sciences, International Studies/International Relations, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Belgrade

Professor of English Language and Literature, Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac   

Docent: Political Sciences and Philological Sciences

Associate Professor for English Studies (Anglistika)

Position: Authorized Mediator for Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution (May 2021 – present

Resolution in the Area of Individual and Collective Work Disputes

Trained in Skills for Presenting and Public Speaking

Institution: Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Serbia

Academic positions:

Associate Professor for Anglistics 


Deputy Editor in Chief for Science – Magazine Diogen pro culture (March 2021- present

Position: Researcher at the Center for Asian Studies

Institution: Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, Republic of Serbia (August 2019 – August 2021)


Position: Docent for Political Sciences

Institution: Faculty of Geo-Economics, Megatrend University, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia (December 2017 – August 2019)

 Courses include:

·             Economic Diplomacy – Theory & Practice

·             Economy of European Union

·             Macro-economy of Europe

·             Geopolitics

·             Agrarian policy of European Union


Position: Professor

Institution: Faculty of International Politics and Security, Nikola Tesla University, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia (March 2017 – December 2017)


Government Positions:

Position: Special Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs for Europe and the USA

Institution: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia (December 2013 – May 2014)


Position: Assistant Foreign Minister for the European Union

Position: Deputy President of the Subgroup for Foreign, Security and Defense Policy of the Expert Group of the Coordinating Body for the Process of European Union Accession

Institution: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia (January 2013 – December 2013)


Position: Special Advisor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Europe and the USA

Institution: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia (July 2012 – January 2013)



Member of Parliament  (May 2012 – January 2013)

Head of the Permanent Delegation of the Republic of Serbia in Strasbourg

Member of the National Assembly Board for European Integration

Member of the National Assembly Board for Foreign Affairs


Position: Advisor/Expert for the International Cooperation

Institution: Cabinet of the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia (May 2009 – May 2012)

Scientific papers: 

  • Ljubica Vasic. “The Hermeneutical Approach to the Perception of Time in the Novel Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf”, the Collection of Papers from the Conference of Young Philologist, Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, 2009;
  • Ljubica Vasic. “Transformation of Mythical Codes in play Buried Child by Sam Shepard”, the Collection of Papers from the International Conference “Language, Literature and Cultural Policies – From evolution to involution,” University of Craiova, Romania, 2009. str. 267-270;
  • Ljubica Vasic. “Ideology and Myth in the Play Curse of the Starving Class  by Sam Shepard”, the Collection of Papers from the International Conference “Scientific and Spiritual Fundaments of Social Reforms”, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Banja Luka, 2009;
  • Ljubica Vasic. “The Concept of Identity in the  Play The True West by Sam Shepard,” in the Collection of papers from the Second International Scientific Conference for Young Philologists “Modern Study of Language and Literature, Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, 2010;
  • Ljubica Vasic. “Identity, Myth and Ideology in the Play by Sam Shepard Says West,” presented for the Collection of papers from the International Scientific Conference “Language, Literature, Change”, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Nis, 2010;
  • Ljubica Vasic. “Construction of Identity and the Discourse of Ideology in the Novel Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf”, presented for the Collection of the papers from the International Scientific Conference “Philological Research Today: Language, Literature, Culture”, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, 2012;
  • Ljubica Vasic. “EU Enlargement and Serbia’s Foreign Policy Strategy”, World of Diplomacy Journal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, 2014;
  • Ljubica Vasic. “Theatrical Response to the Vietnam War – Construction of Masculinity in the Post-Vietnam America”, result of a research on project 178018: Social Sciences and Contemporary Serbian Literature and Culture: National, Regional, European and Global Frame, under the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, 2017;
  • Ljubica Vasic and Jelena Lopicic Jancic. “Foreign Medical Missions in Serbia in the First World War”, Megatrend Review, Megatrend University Magazine, Belgrade, 2018;
  • Scientific paper “The Impact of the Relations between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Serbia’s European Union Accession”, Megatrend Review, Megatrend University, Belgrade, 2018;
  •  Ljubica Vasic. “The Process of Globalization and its Impact on the Modern Economy”, u:  Economic and Social Development 30th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency in cooperation with Megatrend University, republic of Serbia University North, Croatia Faculty of Management University of Warsaw, Poland Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences Sale – Mohammed V University in Rabat, 2018;
  •  In 2018, participation in the international conference at Singidunum University SITCON 2018 Culture, Heritage And Toursim Development with the article on topic “The Specificity of the Development of Cultural Toursim”;
  • Ljubica Vasic. “Srpsko kulturno nasledje i dijaspora kao elementi diplomatije” (Serbian Cultural Heritage and Diaspora as Elements of Diplomacy), International Scientific Conference Serbian Cultural and Historical Heritage at the Institute for International Politics and trade in Belgrade 2019;
  • Scientific paper “Genocide Against Jews in Serbia from 1941-1945” was accepted for the publication in the Proceedings of the XV International Scientific Conference organized by the Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, 2020, in cooperation with Jelena Lopicic Jancic;
  • Scientific paper “Identity Aspects of Cultural sovereignty in the Modernization of Far East” accepted for publication in magazine Nasledje, Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac. 2021.
  • Scientific paper “Pojam vremena kao instrument tumačenja identiteta (kao ideološkoh konstrukta) u dramama Dejvida Rejba. 2021. Jezik, Književnost, Budućnost. Zbornik radova sa Desete konferencije Fakulteta za strane jezike 24. i 25. septembar 2021. str. 89-100 

  • Books (Scientific monographs) of national significance:
  • Book (Scientific Monograph) with the title Američki postvijetnamski muški identitet (American post-Vietnam male identity), 2018, Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, Crvena linija, acknowledged by Serbian Academy of Science and Arts;
  • Book (Scientific monograph) Americko politicko pozoriste, Crvena linija, Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, 2020;
  • Book with the working title New Global Order is being prepared for publication.

National and International Conferences and Public Presentations:

  • Presentation “Serbia’s Road to EU Accession: Prospects and Potential Pitfalls,” Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University, Washington DC, November 2012;
  • Presentation “Women in Diplomacy” at the National Women’s Conference on Leadership in State Structures of the Republic of Serbia, Red Cross of Serbia and the Government of the Republic of Serbia, March 2013;
  • Lecture under the title “Challenges of Serbia on its path to the EU”, Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Warsaw, March 2013;
  • Lecture under the title “Foreign and European Policy of the Republic of Serbia” for the students of Northeastern University in Boston (USA) and representatives of the Organization of Serbian Students Abroad, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, August 2013;
  • Presentation, “Serbia on its path to the EU,” Woodrow Wilson Institute, Washington DC, May 2013;
  • Presentation “EU Integration: Challenges and Prospects for the Western Balkan Countries,” Institute for International Politics and Economy in Belgrade and the Hans Zeidel Foundation, under sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia, June 2013;
  • Lecture under the title “The EU’s Security Strategy and the Inception of the ENP”, International NATO School in Baku, in March 2014, organized by the International NATO School in Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, March 2014;
  • Participation in the VIII Scientific Conference “The Cultural and Historical Heritage of Serbia in the World”, Institute for International Politics and Economy, Belgrade, 2017;
  • Lecture under the title Diplomatic Practice”, Faculty of Business Studies, Law and Security, Union-Nikola Tesla University in Belgrade, November 2017;
  • Lecture under the title “The Impact of the Relations between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Serbia’s European Union Accession”, Faculty of Geo-economics, Megatrend University, February 2018;
  • Presentation “The Process of Globalization and its Impact on the Modern Economy”,  Economic and Social Development 30th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency in cooperation with Megatrend University, Serbia University North, Croatia Faculty of Management University of Warsaw, Poland Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences Sale – Mohammed V University in Rabat, May 2018;
  • Participation in the International Conference organized by Public Policy Institute in Sofia with the paper “The Difficult Transition to Democracy – Case Study Serbia”, November 2018;
  • Participation in the International Conference SITCON 2018 Culture Heritage and Tourism Development, Singidunum University with the paper “The Specificity of the Development of the Cultural Tourism”;
  • Participation in the XV International Scientific Conference, Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, 2020 with the paper “Genocide against Jews in Serbia from 1941-1945;
  • Participation in the International Scientific Conference, Faculty of Foreign Languages, 2021, with the paper “The Concept of Time as an Instrument of Interpreting Identity as an Ideological Construct in David Rabe’s Plays”;
  • Participation in the First International Conference of the Department for Serbian Literature with South Slavic Literature and the Department of English language and Literature organized by the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, 2021, with the paper “The Role of Ideology in the Construction of Masculinity and in the Search of One’s Identity in the Literary Discourse after the Vietnam War as presented in the “Vietnam Plays”: The Basic Training of Pavlo Hummel and Sticks and Bones written by David Rabe and the Novel Fortress by Mesa Selimovic;
  • Participation in the 10th International Conference Language, Literature, Future, Facultz for Foreign Languages, september 24-25. 2021. with the paper “The Concept of time as an instrument for interpreting identity (as an ideological construct) in the plays of David Rabe. Belgrade
  • Book (Monograph) Americko politicko pozoriste (American post-Vietnam Male Identity) published in December 2018 by the Faculty of Philology and Arts, Kragujevac and launched at Kolarceva Zaduzbina in Belgrade by the following speakers: professor Ivo Viskovic PhD, Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade (former ambassador), (the author delivered the speech of professor Zoran Paunovic PhD, Faculty of Philology in Belgrade, member of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts), professor Dragan Boskovic PhD, Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac;
  • Book (Monograph) Americko politicko pozoriste (American Political Theater) published in November 2020;
  • Book with the working title Global Order is being prepared for the publishing.

Research publications:

  • Ljubica Vasic. “Glasna tisina”, weekly newspapers Novi Magazin, Belgrade, number 406, 2019, pp. 57-61
  • Ljubica Vasic. “Istorija kao mit”, weekly newspapers Novi Maagazin, Belgrade, number 437, 2019, pp. 56-61
  • Ljubica Vasic. “The Importance of Geo-strategic Position of Serbia and Foreign Policy Challenges”. Part I and II, 2021 www.nacionalist.rs
  • Ljubica Vasic. “Cultural Identities as Instruments of Conflict Resolution/Conflicts – How to live with them but also how to live without them”, Diogen pro kultura, Sarajevo, BiH
  • Ljubica Vasic. “Izraelsko-palestinski konflikt – Geneza i uloga međunaronih faktora”. 2021. Savet za Strateške politike
  • Ljubica Vasic. “Pragmaticni pristup diverzifikaciji partnera u međunardnoj areni”. 2021. Savet za Strateške politike


Scientific researcher on the project 178018: Social Sciences and Contemporary Serbian literature and culture: national, regional, European and global frame, under the Ministry of education, science and technological development of the Republic of Serbia;

 Expert on project “Multiculturalism as a necessary element for the cultural component of the project One Belt, One Road”.



Autor bloga prof.dr. Ljubica Vasić je Profesor engleskog jezika i književnosti, Filološko-umetnički fakultet, Univerzitet u Kragujevcu

Doktor nauka – Filološke nauke, Filološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu

Master politikolog za međunarodne poslove (međunarodni odnosi), Fakultet političkih nauka, Univerzitet u  Beogradu

Vanredni profesor za užu naučnu oblast Anglistika

Docent za užu naučnu oblast političke nauke

Radno iskustvo:

Period: maj 2021 –

Pozicija: licencirani medijator za vansudsko rešavanje sporova (posredovanje u oblasti individualnih i kolektivnih radnih sporova)

Institucija: Ministarstvo Pravde Republike Srbije

Akademske pozicije:

Period: mart 2021 –

Pozicija: Zamenik glavnog i odgovornog urednika za nauku

Institucija: Diogen pro kultura magazin za kulturu, nauku i obrazovanje, Whitefish Bay, WI, United States of America http://www.diogenpro.com

Period: februar 2021 –

Vanredni profesor (naučna oblast – Anglistika)

Period: avgust 2019 – avgust 2021

Pozicija: naučni saradnik u Centru za studije Azije

Institucija: Filološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Republika Srbija

Period: decembar 2017 – avgust 2019 (godina i osam meseci)

Pozicija: Docent za naučnu oblast Političke nauke


  • Ekonomska diplomatija
  • Teorija i praksa ekonomske diplomatije
  • Savremene ekonomije Evrope I i II
  • Makroekonomska politika Evropske Unije
  • Ekonomija Evropske Unije
  • Agrarna politika Evropske Unije
  • Geopolitika 

Institucija: Geoekonomski fakultet, Megatrend Univerzitet, Beograd, Republika Srbija

Period: april 2017. – decembar 2017. (8 meseci)

Pozicija: Docent za naučnu oblast Filološke nauke

Institucija: Fakultet za međunarodnu politiku i bezbednost

Univerzitet Union – Nikola Tesla, Beograd, Republika Srbija

Period: decembar 2013. – maj 2014. (6 meseci)

Državne pozicije:

Pozicija: Posebni savetnik ministra spoljnih poslova Republike Srbije za Evropu i Ameriku

Opis posla:

Istraživanje i analiza međunarodnih odnosa (Evropa i SAD)

Institucija: Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova Republike Srbije

Period: januar 2013. – decembar 2013. (1 godina)

Pozicija: Zamenik ministra spoljnih poslova za Evropsku uniju

Opis posla: izrada detaljnih planova sa opisom procesa implementacije projekata u različitim sektorskim politikama; izrada mape poslovanja; prikupljanje potrebne dokumentacije; uspostavljanje odgovarajućih upravljačkih radnji u okviru implementacije projekata i sprovođenja operacija; pružanje razumnog opravdanja rizika na putu ka postizanju cilja; smanjenje rizika na prihvatljiv nivo; utvrđivanje načina upravljanja rizikom; uspostavljanje načina kontrole funkcionalnosti i ažuriranje uspostavljenog sistema finansijskog upravljanja; upoznavanje zaposlenih za uspostavljenim sistemom funkcionisanja i njihovim individualnim dužnostima i odgovornostima

Pozicija: Zamenik Predsednika podgrupe za Spoljnu, bezbednosnu i odbrambenu politiku stručne grupe Koordinacionog tela za proces pristupanja Evropskoj uniji

Institucija: Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova Republike Srbije

Period: jul 2012.– januar 2013. (7 meseci)

Pozicija: Posebni savetnik ministra spoljnih poslova za Evropu i Ameriku

Opis posla:

Istraživanje i analiza međunarodnih odnosa (Evropa i SAD)

Institucija: Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova Republike Srbije

Period: maj 2012. – januar 2013. (9 meseci)


  • Narodni poslanik
  • Šef stalne delegacije Republike Srbije u Savetu Evrope u Strazburu
  • Član Odbora za Evropske integracije
  • Član Odbora za spoljne poslove

Institucija: Narodna skupština Republike Srbije

Period: maj 2009. – maj 2012. (3 godine)

Pozicija: Savetnik za stručne poslove (međunarodna saradnja)

Opis posla:

Stručni i administrativni poslovi

Analiza međunarodnih odnosa (međunarodni poslovi)

Institucija: Narodna skupština Republike Srbije

Naučni radovi (bibliografija):

  • Ljubica Vasić. “Hermeneutički pristup poimanju vremena u romanu Gospođa Dalovej Virdzinije Vulf“. Kragujevac. 2009. Zbornika radova sa Prvog naučnog skupa mladih filologa. str. 37-45. (Filološko-umetnički fakultet, Univerziteta u Kragujevcu)
  • Ljubica Vasić. “Mit i ludilo u drami Sema Šeparda Pokopano dete. Časopis Nasleđe, god. 6 br. 14/2. Kragujevac. 2009. Katalogizacija u Narodnoj biblioteci Republike Srbije. str. 63-70
  • Ljubica Vasić. “Transformation of Mythical Codes in Buried Child a play by Sam Shepard”, Krajova (Rumunija). 2009. Zborik radova sa međunarodne konferencije “Language, Literature and Cultural Policies – from Evolution to Involution”, Univerzitet u Krajovi, Rumuija.
  • Ljubica Vasić. „Ideologija i mit u drami Prokletstvo izgladnele klase Sema Šeparda“, Banja Luka. 2009. Zbornik radova sa međunarodne konferencije „Naučna i duhovna utemeljenost društvenih reformi“, Filozofski fakultet, Univerziteta u Banja Luci.
  • Ljubica Vasić. „Pojam identiteta u drami Pravi Zapad Sema Šeparda“, Zbornik radova sa Drugog naučnog skupa mladih filologa „Savremena proučavanja jezika i književnosti, Kragujevac. 2010. Filološko-umetnički fakultet, Univerziteta u Kragujevcu.
  • Ljubica Vasić „Identitet, mit i ideologija u drami Pravi Zapad Sema Šeparda“, Niš. 2010. Zbornik radova sa naučne konferencije „Jezik, Književnost, Promene“, Filozofski fakultet, Univerziteta u Nišu.
  • Ljubica Vasić. „Konstrukcija identiteta i diskurs ideologije u romanu Gospođa Dalovej Virdzinije Vulf“. Beograd. 2012. Zbornika radova sa međunarodne naučne konferencije Philological Research Today: Language, Literature, Culture, Filološkog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Beogradu.
  • Ljubica Vasić. “Theatrical Response to Vietnam War – Construction of Masculinity in Post-Vietnam America”. Kragujevac. 2017. Filološko-umetnički fakultet, Univezitet u Kragujevcu. Međunarodni projekat 178018 Društvene nauke i savremena srpska književnst i kultura. Nacionalni, regionalni, evropski i globalni okvir pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije. str. 367-383.
  • Ljubica Vasić. “The Process of Globalization and its Impact on the Modern Economy”. 2018. Economic and Social Development 30th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency in cooperation with Megatrend University, Serbia University North, Croatia Faculty of Management University of Warsaw, Poland Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences Sale – Mohammed V University in Rabat. str. 45-53
  • Ljubica Vasić. “The Relations between the United States of America and the Russian Federation and its Impact on Serbia’s European Union Accession”. 2019. Beograd. Megatrend Review, Megatrend University u Beogradu. str. 147-151.
  • Ljubica Vasić i Jelena Lopičić Jančić. “Foreign Medical Missions in Serbia in the First World War”. Beograd. 2019. Megatrend Review. Megatrend Revija, Megatrend University.
  • Ljubica Vasić. „Kulturno i istorijsko nasleđe Srbije i dijaspora kao elementi diplomatije u časopisu“. Beograd. 2019.  Međunarodna politika br. 1175. Jul/Septembar. Institut za međunarodnu politiku i privredu. str. 77-56.
  • U aprilu 2021. prihvaćen, uz sertifikat, za objavljivanje naučni rad pod naslovom Ljubica Vasić. „Identitetski aspekti kulturološkog suvereniteta u modernizacijij Dalekog Istoka“, časopis Nasledje, FILUM, Kragujevac (M24);
  • U junu 2021. prihvaćen naučni rad pod naslovom Ljubica Vasić i Jelena Lopičić Jančić. „Genocide against Jews in Serbia 1941-1945“ za objavljivanje u Zborniku radova Filološko-umetničkog fakulteta u Kragujevcu.

Naučne monografije od nacionalnog značaja:

  • Ljubica Vasić. Američki postvijetnamski muški identitet. Kragujevac. 2018. FILUM. Filološko-umetnički fakultet (Beograd: Donat graf). Beograd. 125 str. Biblioteka Crvena linija. Kolekcija Teorija. Književnost. Kultura.
  • Ljubica Vasić. Američko političko pozorište. Kragujevac. 2020. FILUM. Filološko-umetnički fakultet (Beograd: Donat graf). Beograd. 182 str. Biblioteka Crvena linija. Kolekcija Teorija. Književnost kultura.
Nacionalne i međunarodne konferencije:

  • Na poziv Centra za transatlantske odnose, Univerziteta Dzons Hopkins u Vašingtonu, održala predavanje na temu “Challenges of Serbia on its Path Towards the EU”. Rad na istoimenu temu objavljen je u Zborniku radova Centra za transatlantske studije Univerziteta Dzons Hopkins u Vašingtonu;
  • U martu 2013. održala predavanje na temu “Žene u diplomatiji” na Međunarodnoj konferenciji o upravi u državnim strukturama, u organizaciji Instituta za transfuziju krvi I Crvenog krsta Srbije i Vlade Republike Srbije;
  • U martu 2013. održala predavanje na Fakultetu političkih nauka, Univerziteta u Varšavi, na temu “Challenges of Serbia on its Path to the EU”;
  • U maju 2013, na poziv Instituta Vudrou Vilson iz Vašingtona, održala predavanje na temu „Serbia on its Path to EU“, u organizaciji Instituta Vudrou Vilson i Ministarstva spoljnih poslova Republike Srbije;
  • U maju 2013. učestvovala na međunarodnoj konferenciji u Dablinu pod nazivom “EU Enlargement and the Western Balkans – 10 Years After Thessaloniki”;
  • U junu 2013. održala predavanje na Institutu na međunarodnu politiku i privredu u Beogradu na temu “EU integracije: Izazovi i izgledi za zemlje zapadnog Balkana”, u organizaciji Instituta za međunarodnu politiku i privredu i Fondacije Hans Zeidel, pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije;
  • 2014. godine učestvovala je na Međunarodnoj konferenciji u Bakuu, Republika Azerbejdzan, organizovana u saradnji sa Međunarodnom NATO školom u Bakuu i Ministarstvom spoljnih poslova Republike Azerbejdzan, sa temom “EU enlargement and Serbia’s Foreign Policy Challenges”. Rad je objavljen u časpisu Ministarstva spoljnih poslova Republike Azerbejdzan World of Diplomacy. 37/2014. Journal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
  • U avgustu 2013. održala predavanje na Diplomatskoj akademiji Ministarstva spoljnih poslova Republike Srbije na temu “Spoljna i Evropska politika Republike Srbije” za studente Norrtistern Univerziteta u Bostonu, studente Vojne akademije Nigerije i predstavnike Organizacije srpksih studenata iz dijaspore, u organizaciji Ministarstva spoljnih poslova Republike Srbije;
  • U septembru 2017. učestvovala na VIII Naučnoj konferenciji “Kulturološko i istorijsko nasleđe Srbije u svetu”, u organizaciji Instituta za međunarodnu politiku i privredu u Beogradu;
  • U novembru 2017. održala predavanje na temu “Diplomatska praksa i diplomatija odbrane” na Fakultetu za poslovne studije, pravo i bezbednost, Univerziteta Union – Nikola Tesla u Beogradu;
  • Na poziv Fakulteta političkih nauka, Univerziteta u Varšavi, održala predavanje na temu “Challenges of Serbia on its path to EU” u martu 2013. godine;
  • U septembru 2017. godine učestvovala na VIII naučnom skupu “Kulturno i istorijsko nasleđe Srbije u svetu” održanom na Institutu za međunarodnu politiku i privredu u Beogradu;
  • U novembru 2017. godine održala predavanje na Fakultetu za poslovne studije, pravo i bezbednost, Univerziteta „Union-Nikola Tesla“ u Beogradu, na temu „Diplomatska praksa“;
  • 2018. učestvovala na Međunarodnoj naučnoj konferenciji SITCON 2018 Culture. Heritage and Tourism Development sa radom na temu “The Specificity of the Development of the Cultural Toursim”. University Singidunum;
  • U februaru 2018. održala predavanje na temu “The impact of the Relations Between the United States of America and Russian Federation on Serbia’s EU Accession” na Geoekonomskom fakultetu Megatrend Univerziteta;
  • U maju 2018. učestvovala na 30. međunarodnoj konferenciji o ekonomskom i društvenom razvoju organizovanoj u saradnji između Megatrend Univerziteta i Fakulteta za menadzment u Varšavi, na temu “The Process of Globalization and its Impact on the Modern Economy”;
  • U oktobru 2018. učestvovala na konferenciji Srpsko istorijsko i kulturno nasledje na Institutu za međunarodnu politiku i privredu na temu „Srpsko kulturno nasledje i dijaspora kao elementi diplomatije“. Beograd;
  • U novembru 2019. predstavljena monografija Američki postvijetnamski muški identitet, Kolarčeva zadužbina, govornici/predstavljači: prof. dr Zoran Paunovic (dopisni član SANU), prof. dr  Ivo Visković, redovni profesor Fakulteta Političkih Nauka u Beogradu, bivši ambasador Republike Srbije u Berlinu, prof. dr Dragan Bošković;
  • 30-31. oktobra učestvovala na XV Međunarodnom naučnom skupu Srpski jezik. Književnost. Umetnost. 2020. Kragujevac. Filološko-umetnički fakultet, sa radom “Genocide against Jews in 1941-1945.
  • 24-25. septembra učestvovala na Međunarodnoj naučnoj konferenciji Language. Literature and Future. Beograd. Fakultet za strane jezike. Alfa BK Univerzitet sa radom “Pojam vremena kao instrument tumačenja identiteta kao ideološkog konstrukta u dramama Dejvida Rejba”;
  • 1-2. oktobra učestvovala na Prvoj međunarodnoj konferenciji Katedre za srpsku književnost sa južnoslovenskim književnostima i Katedre za Anglistiku Književne i kulturne interferencije između književnosti na srpskom i engleskom jeziku sa radom na temu “The Role of Ideology in the Construction of Masculinity and in the Search of One’s Identity in the Literary Discourse after the Vietnam War as presented in the “Vietnam Plays”: The Basic Training of Pavlo Hummel and Sticks and Bones written by David Rabe and the Novel Fortress by Mesa Selimovic”.

Publicistički radovi:

  • Ljubica Vasić. “Glasna tišina”. Nedeljnik Novi Magazin. Beograd. br. 406. 2019. str. 57-61
  • Ljubica Vasić. “Istorija kao mit”. Nedeljnik Novi magazin. Beograd. br. 437. str. 56-61
  • Ljubica Vasić. “Značaj geostrateškog položaja Srbije i spoljnopolitički izazovi”. Prvi i drugi deo. Beograd. 2021. www.nacionalist.rs 
  • Ljubica Vasić. “Kulturni identiteti kao instrumenti rešavanja konflikata/Konflikti – kako bez njih ali i sa njima”. Sarajevo. BiH. 2021. Časopis Diogen pro kultura
  • Ljubica Vasić. “Izraelsko-palestinski konflikt – Geneza i uloga međunarodnih faktora”. Beograd. 2021. Savet za strateške politike.
  • Ljubica Vasić. “Pragmatičan pristup diverzifikaciji partnera u međunarodnoj areni”. Beograd. 2021. Savet za stratečke politike.


Ekspert na međunarodnom projektu178018: “Social Sciences and Contemporary Serbian Literature and Culture: National, Regional, European and Global Frame, under the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia”;

Ekspert na međunarodnom projektu „Multiculturalism as a necessary element for the cultural component of the project “One Belt, One Road“ 

Autor bloga prof.dr. Ljubica Vasić je Profesor engleskog jezika i književnosti, Filološko umetnički fakultet u Kragujevcu

Doktor nauka – Filološke nauke, Filološki fakultet u Beogradu

Master politikolog za međunarodne poslove (međunarodni   odnosi)  Fakultet političkih nauka u  Beogradu

Vanredni profesor za užu naučnu oblast Anglistika

Docent za užu naučnu oblast političke nauke

Radno iskustvo:

Period: maj 2021 –

Pozicija: licencirani medijator za vansudsko poravnjanje sporova

Institucija: Ministarstvo Pravde Republike Srbije

Period: mart 2021 –

Pozicija: zamenika glavnog i odgovornog urednika za nauku

Institucija: Diogen pro kultura magazin za kulturu, nauku i obrazovanje, Whitefish Bay, WI, United States of America http://www.diogenpro.com

Period: februar 2021 –

Pozicija: vanredni profesor (naučna oblast – Anglistika)

Institucija: Univerzitet Alfa BK, Beograd

Period: avgust 2019 –

Pozicija: naučni saradnik u Centru za studije Azije

Institucija: Filološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Republika Srbija

Period: decembar 2017 – avgust 2019 (godina i osam meseci)

Pozicija: Docent za naučnu oblast Političke nauke

Predmeti :

Ekonomska diplomatija

  • Teorija i praksa ekonomske diplomatije
  • Savremene ekonomije Evrope
  • Makroekonomska politika Evropske Unije
  • Ekonomija Evropske Unije
  • Agrarna politika Evropske Unije
  • Geopolitika Srbije

Institucija: Geoekonomski fakultet, Megatrend Univerzitet, Beograd, Republika Srbija

Period: april 2017. – decembar 2017. (8 meseci)

Pozicija: Docent za naučnu oblast Filološke nauke

Institucija: Fakultet za međunarodnu politiku i bezbednost

Univerzitet Union – Nikola Tesla, Beograd, Republika Srbija

Period: decembar 2013. – maj 2014. (6 meseci)

Pozicija: Posebni savetnik ministra spoljnih poslova Republike Srbije

Opis posla:

      Istraživanje i analiza međunarodnih odnosa (Evropa i SAD)

Institucija: Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova Republike SrbijeTop of FormBottom of Form

Period: januar 2013. – decembar 2013. (1 godina)

Pozicija: Zamenik ministra spoljnih poslova za Evropsku uniju

Zamenik predsednika podgrupe za Spoljnu, bezbednosnu i odbrambenu politiku stručne grupe Koordinacionog tela za proces pristupanja Evropskoj uniji

Institucija: Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova Republike Srbije

Period: jul 2012. – januar 2013. (7 meseci)

Pozicija: Posebni savetnik ministra spoljnih poslova

Opis posla:

Istraživanje i analiza međunarodnih odnosa (Evropa i SAD)

Institucija: Ministarstvo spoljnih poslova Republike Srbije

Period: maj 2012. – januar 2013. (9 meseci)

Pozicija: Narodni poslanik

Opis posla:

       Šef stalne delegacije Republike Srbije u Savetu Evrope u Strazburu

       Član Odbora za Evropske integracije

       Član Odbora za spoljne poslove

Institucija: Narodna skupština Republike Srbije

Period: maj 2009. – maj 2012. (3 godine)

Pozicija: Savetnik za stručne poslove (međunarodna saradnja)

Opis posla:

Stručni i administrativni poslovi

Analiza međunarodnih odnosa (međunarodni poslovi)

Institucija: Narodna skupština Republike Srbije

Reference (bibliografija):

  • Ljubica Vasić. “Hermeneutički pristup poimanju vremena u romanu Gospođa Dalovej Virdzinije Vulf“. Kragujevac. 2009. Zbornika radova sa Prvog naučnog skupa mladih filologa (Filološko-umetnički fakultet, Univerziteta u Kragujevcu)
  • Ljubica Vasić. “Mit i ludilo u drami Sema Šeparda Pokopano dete. Časopis Nasleđe, god. 6 br. 14/2. Kragujevac. 2009. Cathalogization in the Natinal Library of the Republic of Serbia. pp. 
  • “Transformation of mythical codes in Buried Child a play by Sam Shepard”, Zborik radova sa međunarodne konferencije “Language, literature and cultural policies – from evolution to involution”, Univerzitet u Krajovi, Rumunija, 2009;
  • „Ideologija i mit u drami Prokletstvo izgladnele klase Sema Šeparda“, Zbornik radova sa međunarodne konferencije „Naučna i duhovna utemeljenost društvenih reformi“, Filozofski fakultet, Univerziteta u Banja Luci, 2009;
  • „Pojam identiteta u drami Pravi Zapad Sema Šeparda“, Zbornik radova sa drugog naučnog skupa mladih filologa „Savremena proučavanja jezika i književnosti, Filološko-umetnički fakultet, Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, 2010;
  • „Identitet, mit i ideologija u drami Pravi Zapad Sema Šeparda“, Zbornik radova sa naučne konferencije „Jezik, Književnost, Promene“, Filozofski fakultet, Univerziteta u Nišu, 2010;
  • „Konstrukcija identiteta i diskurs ideologije u romanu Gospođa Dalovej Virdzinije Vulf“ u Zborniku radova sa međunarodne naučne konferencije Philological Research Today: Language, Literature, Culture, Filološkog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Beogradu, 2012. godine;
  • U martu 2014. objavljen rad na temu “EU enlargement and Serbia’s Foreign Policy Strategy;
  • U decembru 2017. objavljen rad na temu “Theatrical response to Vietnam War – Construction of Masculinity in Post-Vietnam America”;
  • U maju 2018. objavljen rad “The Process of Globalization and its Impact on the Modern Economy”, u:  Economic and Social Development 30th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development, Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency in cooperation with Megatrend University, Serbia University North, Croatia Faculty of Management University of Warsaw, Poland Faculty of Law, Economics and Social Sciences Sale – Mohammed V University in Rabat;
  • U novembru 2018. objavljen rad na temu “The Relations between the United States of America and the Russian Federation and its Impact on Serbia’s European Union Accession” u časopisu Megatrend Revija, Megatrend Univerziteta u Beogradu;
  • U decembru 2018. objavljen rad “Foreign Medical Missions in Serbia in the First World War” u časopisu Megatrend Revija, Megatrend Univerziteta u Beogradu;
  • U februaru 2018. objavljena monografiju pod naslovom Američki postvijetnamski muški identitet, izdavač Crvena linija, Filološko-umetnički fakultet, Univerziteta u Kragujevcu;
  • Godine 2018. učestvovala na međunarodnoj konferenciji Univerziteta Singidunum u Beogradu SITCON 2018 Culture, Heritage And Toursim Development sa člankom na temu The Specificity of the Development of Cultural Toursim;
  • U septembru 2019. objavljen rad „Kulturno i istorijsko nasleđe Srbije i dijaspora kao elementi diplomatije u časopisu“ Međunarodna politika, Instituta za međunarodnu politiku i privredu, Beograd;
  • U januaru 2021. objavljen članak pod naslovom „Značaj geostrateškog položaja Srbije i spoljnopolitički izazovi“, magazine nacionalist.rs;
  • U martu 2021. objavljen naučni rad pod naslovom „Kulturni identiteti kao instrumenti rešavanja konflikata/Konflikti – kako bez njih, ali i sa njima“, časopis Diogen pro cultura, Sarajevo, BiH;
  • U aprilu 2021. prihvaćen uz sertifikat za objavljivanje rad pod naslovom „Identitetski aspekti kulturološkog suvereniteta u modernizacijij Dalekog Istoka“, časopis Nasledje, FILUM, Kragujevac (M24);
  • U junu 2021. prihvaćen rad pod naslovom „Genocide against Jews in Serbia 1941-1945“ za objavljivanje u Zborniku radova Filološko-umetničkog fakulteta u Kragujevcu“;
  • U novembru 2020. objavljena knjiga Američko Političko pozorište,izdavač Crvena linija, Filološko-umetnički fakultet, Univerziteta u Kragujevcu;
  • U pripremi knjiga pod radnim naslovom  Novi svetski poredak.

Nacionalna i međunarodna predavanja:

  • Na poziv Centra za transatlantske odnose, Univerziteta Dzons Hopkins u Vašingtonu, održala predavanje na temu “Challenges of Serbia on its Path Towards the EU”

Rad na istoimenu temu objavljen je u Zborniku radova Centra za transatlantske studije Univerziteta Dzons Hopkins u Vašingtonu;

  • U martu 2013. održala predavanje na temu “Žene u diplomatiji” na Međunarodnoj konferenciji o upravi u državnim strukturama, u organizaciji Instituta za transfuziju krvi I Crvenog krsta Srbije i Vlade Republike Srbije;
  • U martu 2013. održala predavanje na Fakultetu političkih nauka, Univerziteta u Varšavi, na temu “Challenges of Serbia on its Path to the EU”;
  • U maju 2013, na poziv Instituta Vudrou Vilson iz Vašingtona, održala predavanje na temu „Serbia on its Path to EU“, u organizaciji Instituta Vudrou Vilson i Ministarstva spoljnih poslova Republike Srbije;
  • U maju 2013. učestvovala na međunarodnoj konferenciji u Dablinu pod nazivom “EU Enlargement and the Western Balkans – 10 Years After Thessaloniki”;
  • U junu 2013. održala predavanje na Institutu na međunarodnu politiku i privredu u Beogradu na temu “EU integracije: Izazovi i izgledi za zemlje zapadnog Balkana”, u organizaciji Instituta za međunarodnu politiku i privredu i Fondacije Hans Zeidel, pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije;
  • U avgustu 2013. održala predavanje na Diplomatskoj akademiji Ministarstva spoljnih poslova Republike Srbije na temu “Spoljna i Evropska politika Republike Srbije” za studente Northeastern University u Bostonu, studente Vojne akademije Nigerije i predstavnike Organizacije srpksih studenata iz dijaspore, u organizaciji Ministarstva spoljnih poslova Republike Srbije;
  • U septembru 2017. učestvovala na VIII Naučnoj konferenciji “Kulturološko i istorijsko nasleđe Srbije u svetu”, u organizaciji Instituta za međunarodnu politiku i privredu u Beogradu;
  • U novembru 2017. održala predavanje na temu “Diplomatska praksa i diplomatija odbrane” na Fakultetu za poslovne studije, pravo i bezbednost, Univerziteta Union – Nikola Tesla u Beogradu;
  • Na poziv Fakulteta političkih nauka, Univerziteta u Varšavi, održala predavanje na temu “Challenges of Serbia on its path to EU” u martu 2013. godine;
  • U septembru 2017. godine učestvovala na VIII naučnom skupu “Kulturno i istorijsko nasleđe Srbije u svetu” održanom na Institutu za međunarodnu politiku i privredu u Beogradu;
  • U novembru 2017. godine održala predavanje na Fakultetu za poslovne studije, pravo i bezbednost, Univerziteta „Union-Nikola Tesla“ u Beogradu, na temu „Diplomatska praksa“;
  • U februaru 2018. održala predavanje na temu “The impact of the Relations Between the United States of America and Russian Federation on Serbia’s EU Accession” na Geoekonomskom fakultetu Megatrend Univerziteta;
  • U maju 2018. učestvovala na 30. međunarodnoj konferenciji o ekonomskom i društvenom razvoju organizovanoj u saradnji između Megatrend Univerziteta i Fakulteta za menadzment u Varšavi, na temu “The Process of Globalization and its Impact on the Modern Economy”;
  • U oktobru 2018. učestvovala na konferenciji Srpsko istorijsko i kulturno nasledje na Institutu za međunarodnu politiku i privredu na temu „Srpsko kulturno nasledje i dijaspora kao elementi diplomatije“;
  • U novembru 2019. predstavljena monografija Američki postvijetnamski muški identitet, Kolarčeva zadužbina, govornici/predstavljači: prof. dr Zoran Paunovic (dopisni član SANU), prof. dr  Ivo Visković, redovni profesor Fakulteta Političkih Nauka u Beogradu, bivši ambasador Republike Srbije u Berlinu, prof. dr Dragan Bošković.


Ekspert na međunarodnom projektu178018: “Social Sciences and Contemporary Serbian Literature and Culture: National, Regional, European and Global Frame, under the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia”;

Ekspert na međunarodnom projektu „Multyculturalism as a necessary element for the cultural component of the project One Belt, One Road.